
Thursday, December 27, 2007

How do you always start your days?

The new year 2008 to come makes me aware of something. That is a way of how to go my everyday life. Though I've known how to start a new day when I wake up in the morning, I often neglect it. Yeah, mind and action are not synchronic sometimes.

Once I've written on my diary two questions to answer:

  • What does motivate my life for today? and...

  • What should be my prayer for the matter I care for?

Sometimes the questions were "on", but sometimes "off". And just by being "on", the questions were capable to spark my spirit to start and go on the day cheerfully. I was always led by the answers from the beginning of the day. At least, one reason is enough to be the value I'll struggle for. And that's enough to make me an important actor of the story that I'll tell God before I go to bed in the night.

The new year is coming. While there are no essential differences between starting a new day and starting a new year, I try to switch the questions "on" again, as I ever felt good effects of them.

So, welcome to the new year 2008, wishing you have a more wonderful life! God bless! ***

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Apa peran Anda?

Sejarah manusia mencatat peran tokoh-tokoh besar yang sangat berpengaruh pada zamannya dan menjadi inspirasi generasi-generasi berikutnya. Beberapa tokoh terkenal karena kebaikannya, beberapa karena keburukan atau kejahatannya. Selanjutnya kita tahu bahwa akhirnya semua bentuk apresiasi kita ayunkan pada kebaikan yang diperankan oleh tokoh-tokoh itu.

"Baik" dan "buruk" barangkali hanya sepasang kategori moral yang paling mudah dipergunakan untuk menilai tindakan dan peran seorang tokoh sejarah. Memang pemahaman tentang baik dan buruk dalam kaitannya dengan suatu konteks kebudayaan tertentu masih selalu menjadi diskusi atau bahkan perdebatan. Namun kiranya disetujui bahwa semua diskusi dan perdebatan itu berakar pada upaya semua pihak untuk memahami eksistensi manusia dan martabatnya secara lebih matang dan progresif. Peperangan yang menyertakan aktivitas saling melukai dan bahkan membunuh adalah sebentuk ekspresi ekstrem dari perdebatan konsep paradigmatis tentang eksistensi dan martabat manusia di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat.

Semenjak teknologi yang diciptakan manusia mampu menghubungkan bangsa manusia di muka bumi ini dengan aselerasi yang semakin tinggi, sepertinya impian akan terwujudnya kesepahaman universal tentang paradigma itu bukanlah hal yang mustahil lagi. Sekarang orang dapat dengan mudah berbicara secara lintas bangsa, lintas budaya, agama agama, lintas ras, lintas gender, dsb.

Munculnya tokoh-tokoh istimewa dan terjadinya peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyentuh kemanusiaan di sudut dunia manapun dengan cepat bisa diketahui oleh orang dari belahan bumi yang lain. Dan mau tidak mau tokoh-tokoh penting di setiap bangsa harus menyadari bahwa peran dan tindakannya, bahkan kehidupan pribadinya, akan menjadi perhatian semakin banyak orang. Penilaian berupa sanjungan atau hujatan terhadap mereka dalam iklim globalisasi sekarang ini jelas tidak hanya dari lingkupnya sendiri, tetapi bisa dari luar lingkupnya.

Singkat kata semua orang di muka bumi ini semakin mendapatkan
pembelajaran mengenai paradigma eksistensi dan martabat manusia seperti apa yang
akan diterima oleh seluruh umat manusia di bumi ini.

Nah, sekarang pertanyaannya adalah – dan ini pekerjaan rumah kita masing-masing: Apa peran kita dalam gerak proses seperti itu?

That will be our contribution to the human history, to the history of humanity! ***

Friday, September 28, 2007

Listening to others ...

What do you think about the two young men?

They are leaning on the backbone of one another. We can develop the following ideas:

  • What are they doing?
  • What's going on in their mind?
  • One is smiling while the other is looking at something beneath.
  • They are sitting on the same rock.
  • Look at the circumstances, where are they?

(Thanks to Bambang&Benny! Gambarmu dak pasaang, Dab! hehehe....!) ***

Thursday, September 20, 2007

About This Blog

What is it all about?

After many posts I’ve published at this blog, I think I have to refresh the philosophy which has been the driving spirit to go with. One of the results is the new header-banner above. You see, the banner has been changed for this reason. I made it more representative to describe the mission of this blog.

“Beauty” is to be the mean keyword followed by the word “world”. Behind the blog’s title there is a conception that the world should be more beautiful than it is now. Of course we have to believe that it is beautiful already! This belief enables us to recognize the present beauty now-here in our daily life. And it happens inherently in every action motivated by love to the ultimate beauty. Any action motivated by this kind of love then becomes an effort. That’s what I mean with the word “beautify”. It is an action. The experiences of this loving action would become the story to be shared to everyone else.

This blog is dedicated to any effort to make our world confortable to live in. The "world" here means a place where we live physically, but it could also mean anything correlated to our role by which we contribute most of our soul and body. Meanwhile, the verb "beautify" suggests us a touch of love as well as a touch of art in any action we can do for the goal.Let us explore any field arround us. What could we do with our creativities, activities, hobbies, etc. to make the dream of a better "place" come true?The result is beyond. But we believe, it reveals right now-here.

So, it’s all about love in its actions. Yes, it is!
Love is human. Art is also human. So is beauty. At least, it’s only human being who understands the meanings of them. We live in the world which is so human. Then the story is “all about making the world to be more human”!

What could we do to make this world a better place to live in? I could not make it alone... Big things come from the little ones.We can do simple actions to bear great effects upon our surroundings. So, why not to do a little beauty?

I am an Indonesian-Javanese (I’m sorry to mention it). There’s a Javanese traditional saying about how to run the role of living; it is as a vision and mission of man’s life: “Mamayu hayuning bawana, sepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe, narima ing pandum” – to take part of beautifying the world’s beauty, to go primarily for none of self-intention while working with others pro-actively, and to be grateful to the given role within the universe. It sounds so eastern culture point of view. However, it could be valuable interpretation and contribution to the living of the whole peoples on this planet earth.

How to be more human?

That’s the very question to answer. The real answers are beyond every single word we can say. They are in our actual life in relationship with other beings, our fellows, the nature, and of course The Creator of all beings.

This blog is just another heap of stories about human being. ***

Sincerely yours.
Kandar Ag.


Monday, September 17, 2007

No looser to be grateful!

Once I've posted a subject of discussion at in a question, "Does an atheist have a word "thanks-giving"?" One of the responses I got gave me an answer, "Sure, why not? I am thankful for a lot of things in my life. I just don't thank a god that I don't believe in. I just thank life in general."
I was surprised by the answer! Even an atheist has that word telling us an attitude of gratitude though there could be more explanation of the phrase "life in general".

Thanks-giving, thankfulness, gratitude, to be grateful ...whatever you say is to say that life is so valuable!

Just say "Thanks!" or "Thank you" or "Thank you God", so you recognize yourself standing before the greatness of someone else! You admit it without being a looser! You show your own great dignity as well as nothing taken from yours. Yes, it's a celebration of your own great dignity as a human being in relationship with others.

Show your beauty with your grateful living. ***

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hi, all Indonesians! Have you read "Mindset Sukses"?

This is the printed version of ever launched free e-book "Mindset Sukses, Jalur Cepat Menuju Kebebasan Finansial" by Jennie S. Bev., the author. About her you can read more at her website I am reading the book now. As I know it is very excellent - though I don't finished it yet - I can't help telling you in this blog. You can read the reviews about this book in "GATRA" and "WIRAUSAHA & KEUANGAN" magazines, as reported by Jennie in her blog.

My friend Maxi Anthony told me about the book and how he always receives e-mails from Jennie. He read the book and the e-mails many times to get the points. So enthusiastic he was that I felt teased to read it. Now the book is at my side while I writing this post. And one of displaying browser pages on my PC now is Jennie's site. Maxi told me the site too where he subscribed to Jennie's articles. He told me how brilliant she is. And I want to get the idea of the woman.

It's all about "success". Jennie says in her blog, "Success is not a journey, nor a destination. It is already within you." So, what's the matter with Indonesians about this term? One question occurs in my mind for now is this: "Am I proud of Indonesia and being Indonesian?" I like to quote Jennie's to continue my reading before finishing this post:

Be the best you can, Indonesia, so we all can be proud of you. After all, like Edmund Burke said as quoted by Dinesh D’Souza, “I love my country not only because it is mine, but because it is also lovely.”

Thanks Jennie for the book and your love for all of us Indonesians. We are proud of you! God bless! ***

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

What would you do?

How do you consider other people? The image of him/her in your mind would help you to give response to that ones. How beautiful you are when you give it from your heart. It's your inner-beauty. So blessed are you!

"Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as ye have done it

unto one of the least of these my brethren,

ye have done it unto me. "

- Matthew 25,40 -


Video: by Bluefishtv

Monday, May 14, 2007

Broadcasting Ideas

Why don't you broadcast your ideas?
I use this word "broadcast" just to give impression on the effects of ideas, even a simple one. Once an idea has been launched into public it moves like a wave from a centrum to the edges. And it multiplies itself. Look at the waves created by a little stone plunging into a still water in a pool! The similar event could happen to our broadcasted ideas. They can resonate similar ideas of other people, or stimulate them to the next one.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Communicating with Others

I was longing for an inspirational cartoon about keeping a hope. I went surfing on the internet to find it. I did not find the cartoon yet, as I was entrapped in the site to where an URL had led me. That was how I visited myLot at the first time. There are many good reasons that it has become my favourite site to visit everyday since March 2007.

myLot is a wonderful discussion forum. We can discuss on many subjects of our interests: environment, life, hobbies, technology, movies, the Bible, photography, God, etc. Joining into myLot forum means taking a part in a net-friendship warmly. Sometimes there are so much problems we use to deal with. In this forum we can help our net-friends out from their problems, or we can tell them ours.

Discussion is not the only thing we can do in myLotting. We can also say greetings to myLotters, and upload pictures to make the subjects more expressive.

Actually we are not alone to live in this world. We can enjoy such of world together with anyone from different countries, religions, cultures and backgrounds. To share each other could be a set of keywords to mention the spirit of communications. We can share our ideas, knowledges, experiences, faith, opinions, options, compassions, feelings, joys, hopes ... anything to do with our lives. They are the in-formations from and/or to us that configure and shape our lives (in-formare, Lat., could mean an action of applying or promoting something to our mind). Agreements or disagreements, acceptations or rejections would be the next step after the most important disposition: understanding. This is the art of communicating with others: equalities and differences are still colouring our togetherness while understandings are composing our humanity.

This is our world. Cum-munire (Lat.) means to dwell, to settle together with others. So, communicating (communicare, Lat.) with others is becoming one with them to be what we really are: human.

Happy are those who can communicate his life to others. It is the beauty of our world that have been built by communications between us, nothing else! ***

Monday, April 23, 2007


Do you think "This world was not built to shut out problems!"?
I cite this sentence from "The Sound of Music" film, starring Julie Andrews. The Reverend Mother said that to support Sr. Maria to face her problem, not to run away from it.


Climb every mountain,
search high and low...
Follow every byway,
every patch you know...
Climb every mountain,
ford every stream...
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream...
A dream that will need all the love you can give...
Every day of your life for as long as you live...
Climb every mountain,
ford every stream...
Follow every rainbow,
till you find your dream... ***(Lyric from "The Sound of Music")

Yes, we have a dream of a better place. And from every dream we have, we have a marvelous start to make it come true. A big thing comes from a little one. So we can start from any little thing to reveal the big one, like a growing little shoot under our care.

Go beautify our living, beautify the world!

The Power of The Dream
Lyrics: David Foster
Artist: Celine Dion at Atlanta 1996 Olypics Performance

Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination

And since the dawn of man
The strenght of just "I can"
Has brought together people of all nations

There’s nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There’s a special part every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream

As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation

Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream

The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

There’s so much strength in all of us
Every woman child and man
It’s the moment that you think you can’t
You’ll discover that you can

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream

The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream

The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

The power of the dream
The faith in things unseen
The courage to embrace your fear

No matter where you are
To reach for your own star
To realize the power of the dream

God bless us! ***

© 2007 - sukandar_ag
You can use any posted subjects of this blog for any purposes with permission. Feel free to contact me by e-mail: