
Monday, September 17, 2007

No looser to be grateful!

Once I've posted a subject of discussion at in a question, "Does an atheist have a word "thanks-giving"?" One of the responses I got gave me an answer, "Sure, why not? I am thankful for a lot of things in my life. I just don't thank a god that I don't believe in. I just thank life in general."
I was surprised by the answer! Even an atheist has that word telling us an attitude of gratitude though there could be more explanation of the phrase "life in general".

Thanks-giving, thankfulness, gratitude, to be grateful ...whatever you say is to say that life is so valuable!

Just say "Thanks!" or "Thank you" or "Thank you God", so you recognize yourself standing before the greatness of someone else! You admit it without being a looser! You show your own great dignity as well as nothing taken from yours. Yes, it's a celebration of your own great dignity as a human being in relationship with others.

Show your beauty with your grateful living. ***

1 comment:

  1. I am so agree with you. Once I've ever always complaining about my life is a mess.. But I then understand that it was a process. A process that make me more grateful for what I got now. I thank you GOD who makes me learn about that..


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