
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Go green with "Horta" - Educational toys for kids

Since we have concerned on global-warming issues, our mind will pursue ideas to fight against the impacts. If not, the global movement due to the issues will remains for nothing!

I'm glad to find creative ideas solve this global problem. Brilliant ideas may come from the experties, but some from the laity. What is brilliant sometimes comes from simple thing as well. That's what I can say when I found an information about educating kids to love horticulture with toys!

HortaIt's about toys made from dusts of sawing activity, which is popularized by Asep Rodiansah and friends - graduated youngsters from IPB (Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia). They name the toys "Horta" - abbreviating "horticultura". Look at the picture! Cute, isn't it? The green hair is growing grass! Kids will love to have it. Along with it, they will ask, "How is it growing?" That is the point of educational approach. Parents can tell them about it and teach them how to save this planet Earth from global warming!

What makes me raise my thumbs up is the idea behind the making of this cute. They spent 6 months of scientific research to bear the cuties. Furthermore the materials are from waste things: used socks and dusts of certain wood as media.

Bravo and congrats, Asep and friends! Keep going! [skd]

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Go Green! Selamatkan Bumi Mulai dari Dapurmu

Go Green! Selamatkan Bumi Mulai dari Dapurmu
  • Aneka jenis tissue diproduksi dari serat kayu dan tidak dapat didaur ulang. Gunakan lap/serbet yang bisa dipakai berulang kali untuk lap piring, serbet makan, lap meja, dll.
  • Kantong teh celup terbuat dari bahan yang sulit hancur. Pilih teh bubuk dan bukan teh celup.
  • Jangan biarkan magic jar menyala selama 24 jam sehari. Segera matikan setelah nasi atau masakan matang. Nyalakan hanya saat ingin memanaskan nasi atau makanan.
  • Minyak goreng dibuat dari kelapa sawit. Keberadaan kebun kelapa sawit telah mengubah wajah hutan alam di Indonesia. Berhematlah menggunakan minyak goreng untuk menyelamatkan hutan kita dan mengurangi emisi. Hutan gambut menyerap emisi karbon lebih besar dari hujan.
  • Pilih sabun atau shampoo berukuran besar, bisa diisi ulang. Selain lebih ekonomis, kita juga bisa mengurangi sampah kemasan.
  • Kulkas yang kosong lebih menghabiskan listrik daripada kulkas yang penuh. Selanjutnya di
Baca juga:
- Apa Itu Gas Rumah Kaca
- Sumur Biopori Atasi Banjir

Go Green!
Rosa S Rustam

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Adenium - A photo for The Nature Conservancy Photo Contest

Adenium - 01
Originally uploaded by

Since I've joined The Nature Conservancy to have the updated news from the site, I just received and enjoy a lot of beautiful nature pictures of another places on this planet Earth. Sometimes I wondered if I could share photos from my country - Indonesia. Now, I do it!

Fortunatelly, the website holds a digital nature photo competition. It's time to partake in it, I think. Nevertheless I have no camera anymore since the one I got was stolen by a thief! However, thank God, when I came home to my homecity - Jogjakarta - a good friend of mine let me use his digital camera. It's Nikon DX4. I just thought of making pictures for the beloved conservation community. I did it some.

The picture above is an Adenium. I toke it from my foreyard. The plant is growing with little shoots coming out from their stem. A new era of a living has just begun, bringing new hopes of the future! [skd]

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